?14 Day Konjac Fasting Challenge ?


Original price was: R3900,00.Current price is: R1999,00.

14 day Konjac fasting challenge.

This challenge will help you to reach all your goals as you use our revolutionary Gigi’s Konjac pasta as the main ingredient, it is designed to help you stay fuller for longer with our incredible products, whilst teaching you different methods and recipes to really enjoy our products to the fullest.
The Konjac pasta and rice is not the same as the shirataki found in the stores, we use a much more refined method to create a far softer and superior product, our konjac pasta also does not contain the preservative calcium hydroxide in, making it a much healthier version.
We pride ourselves on quality and Gigi’s Konjac pasta is the closest you will get to the real thing without the carbs.
This amazing 14 day challenge will invovle 16 and 18 hr fasts with recipes for the konjac dishes for the rest of the day.
You may add the group support on and join any of our warrior fasting groups for additional support.
The program will come with a host of delicious recipes and methods for cooking the most amazing meals with our konjac products.
What is in the box:
* 30 packs of Konjac pasta or rice
* 1 tub broth powder
*8 burger patties
The program will guarantee not only results in transformation but offer you a very fast transition into ketosis and allow your body to start healing from within.

  • Support Groups


    1 tub of broth

    2 packs of 4 burger patties

    30 konjac pasta


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